Friday, March 26, 2021

Dear Peoples Center Community,

Hoping you are safe, well and supported in this COVID-19 crisis.

This is to invite you to be part of the Peoples Center team during the GreatGive 2021 fundraiser for non-profits, and to ask if you can consider donating a portion of your stimulus check to the Peoples Center so that we can continue to help those in need in our community, and be there for our many activities once the pandemic subsides.

Advance giving opens on April 23. The official Great Give days are May 4-5. During those days, the nonprofits that receive the largest number of donations will be awarded bonus funds.

Here is the link to the Peoples Center GreatGive donation page:

Our Work During the Pandemic

While the Peoples Center remains closed for gatherings, we have been a site for food distribution to the immigrant community and other mutual aid. We have instituted the Jobs and Unemployed Committee to assist in navigating relief funds, and distributed masks and diapers.

We have issued a resource newsletter and joined in coalition actions to demand that all people be covered with relief including low wage, front line and immigrant workers. We are part of the Recovery for All coalition and are mobilizing for the virtual rallies, events and on-line petitions of the many organizations that call the Peoples Center home.

We have also collaborated with the New Haven Free Public Library to host a book talk with Dr. Gerald Horne, and have continued our partnership with the CT Alliance for Retired Americans.

We look forward to opening our doors once the pandemic subsides for the full array of organizing, educational and cultural events and use of space.

How You Can Help

The Peoples Center survives on the basis of contributions for use of space. Even during "physical distancing" the bills still have to get paid.

Here are the ways that you can help:

1. Contribute as much as you can

2. Send the link to your family, friends and contact lists and ask them to join you in donating

3. Share the link to the Peoples Center GreatGive page on social media

The New Haven Peoples Center has been a beacon for multi-racial and multi-cultural social justice organizing, education and cultural opportunities in our community for 84 years, and is a site on the Connecticut African American Freedom Trail. The COVID-19 crisis makes clear that, despite new economic hardships, the New Haven Peoples Center and organizations that address inequality and work for unity of low-income working class people of color and immigrants are essential for our state to survive and thrive. We are fundraising to make that possible.

Looking forward to hear back from you with ideas, suggestions and commitments to help!

In solidarity,

Joelle Fishman Coordinator

Ben McManus Treasurer



Facebook: New Haven Peoples Center

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